Welcome to my website!
This is a place to share my many projects and pursuits. I love drawing, painting, printmaking, photography, fiction, constructed languages, invented worlds, hand-drawn animation, silly videos, weird videos, minicomics, baffling dreams, personal stories, poetry, certain foods, sending mail, travel adventures, and walking with my doggies.
If that sounds like a distressing chaos to you, then you should definitely close this tab, delete it from your browser history, and go visit your favorite chain restaurant or review your favorite periodical or take a swoon in the parlor something else that will soothe you.
BUT: if that multiflavored mess sounds like a fun time to you, you should explore this website, and maybe subscribe to my newsletter (For Free) or my Patreon (not free), or the social media linked in the footer. But this website will always be the center of my online everything (as long as I don’t mess up like I did last year, haha).
I named my website Mentoleum, coined from the root words for Mind and Oil… “Mind Oil” is, of course, ALL the good creative things that can come from the mind, because I knew, even a many years ago, that I would never entirely settle on one avenue of creativity, even when I wanted to, so I made sure my name wouldn’t pin me down too much. Happy explorations!